Currently, "The Secret of Zombolia" is in early progress, and we are in the process of adding polls and posting previews and small playable downloads to our patreon supporters.

You do not need to become a patreon supporter in order to play the demo when it is completed, but your support would be greatly appreciated and will help us fund the game, and depending on the support we get we might also add additional scenes based on suggestions by our patrons. Patrons will be able to follow the progress of the game in-depth with sketches, animation previews and downloads, and will also be able to partake in polls to decide the game's updates and content! So if you think this looks promising, we hope you will consider becoming one of our supporters. If you think it's too early and want to wait for the full demo to be posted, then that's of course perfectly understandable. We hope you'll enjoy our project wether you become one of our supporters or not ^_^